The Real Truth about Training Heavy

Bringing you the latest insights, research, and debunking common myths

What’s up fellow gym rats or future gym rats!

We hope this newsletter finds you motivated and ready to take your fitness journey to new heights. Today, we dive into the world of heavy weightlifting and explore the remarkable benefits it offers. We’ll also debunk some common myths surrounding lifting those big ass weights, providing you with evidence-backed knowledge. So, let’s dive in and discover the wonders of heavy weightlifting!

The real truth about lifting heavy

Myth #1: Lifting heavy makes you bulky and less agile.


One of the most persistent myths is that lifting heavy weights automatically leads to a bulky physique.

Firstly, it will take you YEARS of proper nutrition and consistency to gain huge muscle mass. Trust me, there won’t be a point where you wake up one day and be like,”Oh no I accidentally gain 20lbs of muscle”. It does not happen that way. That is a very focused and active pursuit, that takes a while… unless your taking some secret sauce to try and speed it up. (Which we don’t recommend a all!) Secondly, it all about your intentions. If your eating over your maintenance calories, then you will gain weight. But, in turn if you eating your eating you maintenance calories or lower and eating clean you will maintain your weight will building a nice lean frame. Your diet will be a larger deciding factor but that is for another posts. Intention is everything.

Secoundly, Heavy weightlifting primarily promotes strength and muscle development, which enhances athletic performance and functional abilities. Building muscle doesn’t mean losing agility; in fact, it can enhance it by increasing power and explosiveness in movements. Again it’s all about intention. You won’t likely see Lebron squatting 400lbs ( He probably could) but you would see him squatting 200lbs squatting onto a box then exploding up from it as fast as he could. Which is heavy training so he can continue to leap over 6’5 guys and slam on their heads. Intentional training is the key here.

Myth #2: Heavy weightlifting is only for men.


This misconception has long plagued the fitness industry. The truth is that heavy weightlifting is beneficial for individuals of all genders. It helps strengthen bones, improves metabolism, boosts confidence, and increases overall fitness levels. Being a trainer for over a decade, I constantly hear this statement; ” I don’t want to lift because I don’t want to look like a man.” By far the most arrogant statement ever. I wish I can lift some heavy weight, then in a week get huge! Just kidding, but seriously women, in particular, benefit greatly from heavy weightlifting as it aids in improving bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. It still takes a lonnngg time for women to gain tons of muscle mass due to more estrogen production vs testosterone. Which means heavy lifting will make a lean, defined look, not bulky.

Myth #3: Heavy weightlifting is dangerous and leads to injuries.


When performed with proper form and under the guidance of a qualified trainer, heavy weightlifting is no more dangerous than any other form of exercise. I’ve seen people injure themselves over 10lbs dumbbells. And, no not just by slamming it on their toes… well that did happen a few times. In fact, research has shown that weightlifting, when executed correctly, can enhance joint stability, reduce the risk of injury, and improve overall functional movement patterns.

The Benefits of Heavy Weightlifting

1. Increased Strength and Muscle

Heavy weightlifting is the key to unlocking substantial strength gains and muscle growth. By challenging your muscles with heavier loads, you stimulate hypertrophy—the process of muscle fibers increasing in size. This results in greater muscular strength and improved aesthetics.

2. Enhanced Fat Loss

Weightlifting has a lasting impact on your body’s metabolism, even outside the gym. Lifting heavy weights stimulates the production of anabolic hormones, such as testosterone and growth hormone, which promote muscle development and fat burning. Additionally, increased muscle mass leads to a higher basal metabolic rate, meaning you burn more calories even at rest. For example, typical at rest 1lb of fat burns 2 calories in an hour while a pound of muscle burns 6 calories in an hour. So you can burn an extra 96 calories at end of each day by having more muscle.

3. Improved Bone Density

As we age, maintaining strong bones becomes crucial. Heavy weightlifting places stress on your bones, stimulating them to adapt and become denser. This adaptation helps prevent conditions like osteoporosis and lowers the risk of fractures. Trust me you will definitely want to continue throughout you entire life if possible. Go as heavy as you body can allow while maintaining good form as that will aid in keeping your bone density high.

4. Boosted Mental Well-being

Exercise is renowned for its positive impact on mental health, and heavy weightlifting is no exception. Engaging in intense weightlifting sessions releases endorphins, also known as “feel-good” hormones, which elevate mood, reduce stress, and combat anxiety and depression. Trust me, when you having on of those days, go get in a good heavy lifting session and watch how your mood changes and you no longer want to kill someone.

5. Increased Confidence and Empowerment

Setting and achieving challenging goals in heavy weightlifting can be incredibly empowering. As you hit new PR’s and surpass your own expectations, your confidence and self-esteem go through the roof. You’ll be definitely feeling yourself and that is good! Until you see someone warm up with your PR… then not so much. But, that is what keeps you going at getting better overtime. This newfound sense of accomplishment extends beyond the gym and positively impacts various aspects of your life.

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