The Best Creatine (Best choices on the market)

FitBiz Mastery

If you ever been to the gym, know or heard about supplements. Maybe even pressured into buying some. Well here at DPL Powerlifting, we are dedicated to bringing the latest and greatest in fitness. If your ready to take the workouts to the next level, you in the right place! Now let’s talk about the best creatine we can find on the market!

Creatine has been extensively studied and has been shown to improve muscle strength, endurance, and overall athletic performance. There are massive amounts of creatine powder out there. It’s hard to choose the right one. That’s why we created a comprehensive guide to the best creatine supplements on the market today.

We research and tested each product to give a honest review and help you make the best informed decision on picking the right creatine. Want an extra edge on those fitness goals, we got it covered! Without further ado, let’s dive into the world of creatine!

Firstly, what is Creatine and how does it help?

Creatine is actually a naturally occurring compound that is found in our bodies, mainly in our muscles. It made up of three amino acids: arginine, glycine, and methionine. What is does is it provides energy to our muscles during workouts by replenishing the ATP in our cells. ATP stands for Adenosine Triphosphate. ATP is an energy producing molecule that drives energy to our cells. It’s how how bodies have enough fuel to do anything. When we preform intense exercise we gained drained of our ATP and have to fuel up again. My fellow Powerlifters understand this well when moving those heavy weights and having a pocket full of sour patch kids.

This is where creatine comes into play. since it’s basically ATP in powder form, it allows us to recovery better and have more fuel for workout. If we can workout longer and recover better that equals faster and better GAINZ!

The 4 four main benefits of Creatine:

The best creatine of the market will have the following benefits:

  1. Enhanced Recovery: It has been shown to speed up recovery time after exercise. Reducing muscle soreness and allows for more frequent training with greater intensity.
  2. Increased Muscle Mass: It can help stimulate growth of new muscle tissue. Which leads to increased muscle mass over time.
  3. Improved Performance: Has been shown to help increase muscle strength and power, allowing performance to be increased during workouts.
  4. Potential Cognitive Benefits: Some studies have seen some benefits with improved memory and mental performance. Also some neuroprotective properties against certain neurological diseases

How much and how long do I have to take it?

When looking for the best creatine on the market, first make sure the man ingredient is creatine monohydrate . What is great about creatine is that it only takes 5g a day to see benefits. 5g is the equivalent to filling up a soda cap, that’s it! After the first week of taking it you will notice better performance in the gym. You can take it as long as you want to since taking it is completely safe. Another beautiful aspect of this supplement is that is doesn’t matter what time of day you take it. As long as you take it, there will be benefits. Even if you miss a day or two, don’t worry just take it when you can. There won’t be any lost in benefits! Also, don’t listen to the hype you do not need load up the creatine (taking double dosages for the first week). 5g a day will be well enough.

Now after that important information, let’s talk about what why you came here in the first place! Which creatine is the best on the market?

1. Sweet Cre – Creatine Monohydrate

This one of the newst products we have tried and we absolutely love it! This product is great because it keeps it simple. It’s made from 100% Creatine Monohydrate. Which is the only thing you need from this supplement. From it being 100% pue will a make sure it is most effective when taking it. Which the ingredients are shown in their entirety on their website.

One of the biggest positives of this product is the taste! There are plenty of other creatine supplements that doesn’t have any taste, or worse a bitter taste. This product came with the great idea of adding flavor to it. Now you can mix it with water and enjoy it! Since it you can take creatine whenever, you have more flexability on what you can mix it with, like a smoothie for example. The dosage will be a s simple as one scoop (5g) a day and start seeing the results for yourself!

Overall, Sweet-Cre creatine is a great selection for those looking to know what exactly they are paying for. Also the flavor helps make taking it much more easier. Definitely worth trying!

2. Optimum Nutrition Creatine Capsules

Here is another great option for those who are looking to get all the benefits of creatine but without the hassle of taking powder. The Optimum Nutrition Creatine Capsules check off all the boxes. It is made from 100% Creatine Monohydrate as we know is the most effective at gaining all of the benefits.

A huge benefit of using this product is the simplicity of taking it. This creatine comes in pill form and has 2.5g of creatine in each capsule. As long as taking pills doesn’t want to make you puke then this is perfect! This creates an easier and faster way to take it especially of your busy and constantly on the run. For the dosage, just pop two pills every to get the recommended 5g of creatine and watch your body start to change!

Overall, the Optimum Nutrition Creatine Capsules are a great option for those who don’t like powder or want to save time. It is easy as taking two capsules a day to start seeing better recovery and improved performance. They have offer a 300 pill option which will last you a while. It will most likely save you some change not having to buy every month or so. Definitely check it out if these fit your criteria!

3. Nutricost Creatine Monohydrate Powder

The Nutricost creatine powder is a great option for those who like the powder version but doesn’t need all those extra flavors. This one is simple it’s flavorless. This can be great since you can add it with anything like protein power or pre-workout, for example. It is also micronized. So the powder is really fine, which means it blends well in any liquid.

This one check off ll the boxes as well as it’s only ingredient is 100% creatine monohydrate. As mentioned before, it’s the only ingredient needed with this supplementation. Anything else added with it will be just a marketing tactic. Also this product is pretty cost effective being its only $24.50 on Amazon. It is currently on sale at a whole 59% discount. The dosage of this product will be the same, take one scoop of 5g a day. Take it at anytime and watch you body change.

Overall the Nutricost Creatine Powder is great option for those who prefer a flavorless creatine that blends well. You can add it to anything! Also being that it currently at 59% discount will save you major coins. Definitely give it a look to see if it fits your style!

Hope you enjoyed the read of the best creatine on the market! Please share if you feel this article will help one person! If you like high quality graphic T-Shirts that are meant for the gym, Checkout our store HERE!