woman lifting barbell

5 Mistakes With Your Squats: Mastering the Art of Pain-Free Knees

Hey there, my fellow lifters! If you’re anything like me, you know how scary but at the same time so exciting squats are. Squats are the holy grail of lower body exercises, but they can be a real pain in the knees if not done correctly. Lucky for you, I’m here to share some friendly advice on how to squat properly with minimal knee discomfort.

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woman lifting barbell
Photo by Li Sun on Pexels.com

1. Warm-Up Smartly:

Before diving into your squat session, take the time to warm up your body. Engage in some light cardio and perform dynamic stretches like to get your muscles and joints ready for action. A properly warmed-up body is more flexible and less prone to injuries, including knee pain. You know the best warmup of all? Actually squatting with lighter weight will warm you right up! Doing the actual movement of the exercise you are going to preform will get your muscles, tendons, and central nervous system ready for the workout.

2. Perfect Your Form:

One of the most common reasons for knee pain during squats is improper form. Your form the foundation of you muscle house. If you form is as good as it can be, you will not only protect your knees, but also you will grow more muscle and get a lot stronger twice as fast. Here are some key tips for checking form.

  • Ensure your feet are at least shoulder with apart.
  • If Doing Barbell squats, squeeze your shoulders blades together to create a strong rigid back. Then rest the bar on your upper traps.
  • On the descend into the squat, breathe in deeply to brace your core, then act like you’re sitting into a chair.
  • While keeping your core braced, and chest up go down until you are at least parallel to your knees. If your knees go over your toes that is OK.
  • When you are getting ready to ascend, slowly breathe out to maintain that braced core while you are driving from the floor and rising with your chest up. Make sure your knees are not caving in when going up.
  • When you come to back to the top, fully exhale and repeat all these steps for each rep.

3. Don’t Overdo It:

Start with a weight that challenges you but allows you to maintain proper form. Overloading the barbell too soon can put unnecessary pressure on your knees. It’s not a race – gradual progress leads to long-term gains and healthier joints. The main term to stick with is progressive-overload. Slowly increasing the weights as you get stronger will help not only your leg muscles get strong but also your tendons. They will be able to handle stress better which, in turn will lead to less knee pain. Don’t be caught out there ego-lifting. You’ll just end up with bad knees and looking stupid. I think your smart so please… save your knees.

4. The Power of Knee Sleeves:

Speaking of healthy joints, have you ever considered using knee sleeves? Knee sleeves act like a cozy hug for your knees during squats. They provide gentle compression, supporting the joints and increasing blood flow, which helps reduce discomfort and the risk of injuries. Think of them as your squatting sidekick, ensuring your knees stay happy and strong throughout you squatting. Personally, I recommend the Iron Bull Knee Sleeves, a great product that I personally use. Since I lift heavy, I never squat without them. They are so comfortable, I literally forget im wearing them to the point I am wearing them when I am leaving the gym. The weird stares always remind me.

Another great option to consider is the Gymreapers Knee Sleeves, available on Amazon. I have clients who use them and they always swear to their comfortability and the amount of support they feel. Just remember, wash them after a few uses. If you didn’t know what the back of your knees smell like… you’ll be very surprised to what you find.

Using knee sleeves like these can make a world of difference, allowing you to focus on perfecting your squat form without worrying about destroying your knees.

5. Listen to Your Body:

Your body knows best. If you experience persistent knee pain, don’t ignore it. Take a break, ice your knees, and consult a healthcare professional if necessary. Pushing through the pain won’t lead to progress – it might lead to a setback instead. Now taking a break doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stop training legs, there are plenty of exercises that you can do to won’t put stress on your knee. Here are a few examples:

  • Leg Press Machine
  • Seated Leg Extensions
  • Box Squats
  • Seated Leg Curls
  • Hip Adductor machine
  • Hip Thrusters

And that is just to name a few there are plenty more!

Remember, my friends, squats can be your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on how you approach them. By warming up, perfecting your form, lifting smart, and investing in reliable knee sleeves like the Iron Bull Knee Sleeves or the Gymreapers Knee Sleeves, you can enjoy pain-free squats and achieve your fitness goals without compromising your joint health.

Happy squatting, and here’s to stronger, healthier knees! Also below I mentioned where you can get those knees sleeves!